The World of Animation
Deborah Anderson invites you on her journey around the world and through animation. She shares her experience of creating her own path and working in South Korea as a 3D Artist where she had the opportunity to work on Family Guy, The Cleveland Show, Batman: The Brave and the Bold and Scooby Doo.
Acting Out!
An interactive presentation where Deborah teaches the 12 Principles of Animation by getting people to get silly! The Principles of Animation were created by the Nine Old Men of Disney and are used to create realistic, expressive animation.
Get a quick start in Cinema 4D without all the fluff. Learn the basics that will allow you to start exploring.
Learn some simple tools that will allow you to take your artistry to the next level!
3D for Graphic Designers (Coming Soon!)
Learn the how to use Cinema 4D to supplement your graphic design skill set. Most animation courses concentrate on teaching you as though you're going to become a 3D Artist. This course is specifically for creative professionals who want to expand their repertoire and supplement their creativity.
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